The list of names of hip hop dance moves below is what I learned in my journey with hip hop dance. It is not complete and will never be as our dances are still alive and growing every day. So there are potential new steps created every day.
Here is a short intro on how to read the list:
Bold is the name of the move that I originally learned.
(In parenthesis: alternative names or general comments).
In italic letters, I added additional info.
s stands for source – means where I got the info from
o stands for origin – when a move is originally from another style
c stands for creator – in case I know who invented the move
Links usually lead to video clips of me or others performing the move.
Before you check out the list…
If you want to find out how to make the most out of the moves you already know, take a look at some of the concepts I presented here on the blog or consider grabbing a copy of my book Dance Smart. All the money that is coming in helps me to continue the work on my publications. One of them is the list you are reading right now. Thanks a bunch.

List of Hip Hop Steps and Moves
- The Wop. s Link. (FraGue doing The Wop)
- Running Man (Link doing the Running Man, FraGue doing the Running Man).
- Mike Tyson. s Tarek
- Gucci. s Buddha Stretch. (FraGue doing the Gucci)
- Smurf. s Buddha Stretch & Mr. Wiggles (2 different versions) (FraGue doing the Smurf)
- Steve Martin (Link doing it). s Marcio Ratinho
- Robocop. s Suga Pop
- Stomp. s Link
- BK Bounce (Brooklyn Bounce, Criss Cross). s Buddha Stretch. (FraGue doing the Brooklyn Bounce)
- Basketball.
- ATL/A-Town Stomp. s Buddha Stretch. (FraGue doing the A-Town Stomp)
- Harlem Shake. s Link
- Dice Game. s Marcio Ratinho
- Roger Rabbit (Reject). s Budda Stretch
- Bart Simpson. s Buddha Stretch
- The Prep. s Link
- Wu-Tang. s Buddha Stretch
- Bankhead Bounce. s Link
- Monestary. s Yuljah
- The Snake.
- Janet Jackson (Janet, Barbie). s Marcio Ratinho
- Kick Ball Change (Flintstone). s Storm
- The Guess.
- Party Machine/Spongebob/Criss Cross. s Buddha Stretch
- Leo Walk. s Flomaster o Locking
- Shamrock. s Niako
- C-Walk. s Buddha Stretch o Gang Ritual
- Fila/Rambo. s Buddha Stretch
- Walk it out. s Buddha Stretch
- Tone Whop. s Buddha Stretch
- Pepper Seed. s Link o Dancehall
- Penguin. s V-cell
- Upstairs Downstairs (Up & Down).
- Funky Penguin.
- Happy Feet. s Link
- Crazy Legs. s Peppi Meilinger
- Toss it up. s Buddha Stretch
- The Freak. s da Bürgermasta
- Patty Duke. s Mister Wiggles
- Brooklyn Stomp.
- Wu Tang.
- Pacman (Crab).
- Lite Feet.
- Bizmarkie. s El Fonky Juice
- James Brown (Good Foot). s Storm
- Grapevine.
- Baseball Bat.
- Bad One.
- Chicken Noodle Soup.
- Al-Be.
- Old Man. s Storm o Popping
- Rocksteady.
- Dougie.
- Chicken Neck. s Brian Green
- Cat Daddy (Tina Turner).
- Ney Ney (Nae Nae). s Link
- Alf. s Suga Pop
- Bobby Brown (Cold Duck). s Suga Pop
- Sophisticated Sissy. s Suga Pop
- Cabbage Patch. s Suga Pop
- Camel Walk. (Kamel Walk) s Suga Pop
- Holly Pill. s Mister Wiggles
- Walking Backwards. s Mister Wiggles
- Spanish Freak. s Mister Wiggles
- Reebok. s Link
- Gigolo. s Link
- Butterfly. s Buddha Stretch o Dancehall
- Run It. s Buddha Stretch
- The Bounce.
- Cry Baby.
- The 300. s Mr. Wiggles
- Bang Bang Bang. c Parris Goebel
- Billy Bounce.
- Jerk.
- Booty Pop.
- Bust Down.
- Du Du Du. c Kyle Hanagami
- Floss. c The Backpack Kid
- Humpty Dance.
- Milly Rock.
- The Grind. s Mr. Wiggles
- Shoot.
- Carlton. c Alfonso Ribeiro
- Whip.
- Tidal Wave.
- Tom & Jerry.
- The Creep.
I also have a list of moves and steps from house dance, and another one for breakdance/breaking.
If you are on the beginning of our hip hop dance journey, you might want to take a look at those easy hip hop dance moves for beginners.