The list of names of breakdance moves and steps below is what I learned in my breaking journey. It is not complete and will never be as our dance is still alive and growing every day. So there are always potential new steps to be discovered.
The breaking move list below is split up into the different elements Top Rock (the dance while standing up), Down Rock (dancing on the floor, which consists of footwork and backrocks), Freezes (acrobatic poses), and Powermoves (the spins and tricks that everybody knows). It also as sections for Godowns (moves that bring you to the floor).
Here is how to read the list:
Bold is the name of the move that I consider the correct one. Most of the time it’s the name I got taught.
(In parenthesis there are alternative names when written next to the name or general comments when in the back of the line).
In italic letters, I added additional info when I have it. The name after an s stand for source, meaning who I learned the move from. o stands for origin and is used whenever a move is from another style imported into breaking.
Some of the names have a link. It leads you to a clip of the move.
If you enjoy the list, bookmark it and share it with your friends.

Before you check out the list…
If you want to find out how to make the most out of the moves you already know, take a look at some of the concepts I presented here on the blog or consider grabbing a copy of my first book Dance Smart. All the revenue goes into my work on future publications.

For me a dancer's must-read!
Top Rock
- Indian Step. Indian Step Tutorial.
- Cross Step. Tutorial.
- Hustle (Hustle Step). s Poe One. Tutorial.
- Criss Cross. Tutorial by Kaio.
- Webo. Toprock Konzept.
- Breather (Breath Step).
- Corkscrew.
- Box Step.
- Uprock (Brooklyn Rock, Rocking). Tutorial by Rob Nasty. Uprocking is its own dance style, which was partially adopted into breaking. Often without knowing the background of it.
- Outlaw Step. Tutorial by Jazzy Jes.
Go Downs
- Drop.
- Walk In (Step Back).
- Half Sweep (Hook). s Alien Ness.
- Kneedrop. s Peppi Meilinger.
- Spindown s Ken Swift.
- Propeller Kick s Storm (Kick Drop s Abstrak).
- 360 Kick Drop. s Poe One.
- Swing Down. s Storm.
- Kickspins. o Capoeira.
- Shuffle Kick Out Godown. s Poe One.
- Roll.
- Parachute Drop. s Ken Swift.
Down Rock
- Russian. s Alien Ness.
- CC.(Kickout). CC Tutorial.
- CC Spin.
- Kick Turn. s Storm
- Kickspin. s Storm
- BacksideKickspin. s Storm
- Backkick. s Storm
- Jumpover. s Storm
- Around the World (ZuluSpin). s PoeOne, Alien Ness
- MonkeySwings. (Kickouts)
- Step Outs.
- Six Step. 6 Step Tutorial.
- 2 Step.
- 3 Step. 3 Step Tutorial by Roxrite.
- 4 Step. s Koone. There are many different four step variations.
- 8Ball 6 Step. s Alien Ness
- Back and Forth. s David Colas
- Back and Forth(10Step). s Storm
- Bretzel. s Storm
- Reverse Bretzel. s Storm
- ExtendedBretzel. s Storm
- BretzelWalkover. s Storm
- BretzelWalkback. s Storm
- BretzelBackswipe. s Storm
- Hook (Half Sweep). s Storm <2>
- Hook Walk. s Storm
- Sling. s Storm
- Sling Walk. s Storm
- Sling Walk Sideways. s Storm
- Peter Pan. s Storm
- Shuffle. s Alien Ness.
- Step Over. s Storm
- Sweep (Coffeemill, Coffeegrinder, Helicopter). s Alien Ness. Sweep Tutorial by Robin.
- Hook Step Back. c Profo One. s Profo One. Tutorial by Profo One.
- Corkstep. c Roxrite. s Roxrite
- Scramble (Floor Salsa, Baby Love). s Alien Ness & Storm.
- Penny 6 Step. c Penny / Floor Gangz. s Penny
- Knee Walk. s Storm
- Atomic Six Step. s Storm
- Octopus. s Storm.
- NohandSweep. s Storm
- KneeSwitch s Storm
- NohandTuck In. s Storm
- NohandKnee Turn. s Storm
- Paddle Walk (Knee Drop Walk). s Storm
- Hand Taps. s Storm
- Kneeslide. s Storm
- Turnover Footslide. s Storm
- Buttslide. s Storm
- Side CC. s Pepito
- PepitoSweep. c Pepito. s Pepito
- Ninja.
- Track 2 Shuffle. s Alien Ness
- Bicycle Pump. s Alien Ness
- Air Hooks frontside & backside. s Alien Ness
- Beat Step. s Katsu One. Tutorial by Katsu One
- Floor Shuffle
- Travelling Floor Shuffle
- Back CC
- Back Step Over
- Back Step OverSwitch
- Baby Track
- Dead Cat
- Basic Thread
- Tortoise. o Contemporary Dance.
- Baby Track. s Ata
- Twist Up.
- Belly Roll. s Storm
- Octopus. s Storm
- Back Swing. s Storm
- Scorpion Back Rock. s Poe One
- Backrock Hooks. Tutorial by Roxrite.
- Backrock Walkover. Tutorial by Roxrite.
- Backspin.
- Windmill (Continous Backspin).
- Flare. Flare Tutorial by Lil G.
- Airflare (Twist, Airtrack).
- Tracks (Halos).
- Turtles.
- Crickets.
- Jackhammers.
- Ufos (Wolf).
- 1990.
- 2000.
- Munchmill (Babymill).
- Starwalk. c Crumbs.
- Swipes. s Storm. Tutorial by Sambo.
- Criticals.
- Doublemills.
- Nutcrackers.
- Tombstones.
- Virgin Flare.
- Handcuffs (Handcuff Windmill).
- Web (Tap Mill).
- Australian Windmill. Tutorial.
- Baby Freeze. s Peppi Meilinger
- Chair Freeze. s Storm
- Shoulder Freeze. s Peppi Meilinger
- Airchair
- Airbaby
- Airfreeze. Airfreeze Tutorial by Roxrite.
- Hollowback
- Inverted Hollowback
- Sidehollowback
- Rummenigge. s Storm
- Headstand
- Handstand
- Ninja Freeze
- W – Freeze (opinions differ if we should count this as a freeze but I do)
I also have a list of moves and steps from house dance and another one for hip hop dance.
If you are ready to dig deeper into the possibilities that your moves offer, check out my book Dance Smart, which covers 36 concepts to work with your moves.